Journal of Leisure 閒記

It is indeed very hard to keep a homepage up-to-date. I couldn't count how many homepages I have created and then given up . As a result, I decided to write a blog, because it is much more easier to manage so I presume I will update it more often. But keeping a not-so-updated blog just means no one is going to read it. So I also decided to write something here that describes my daily life best, just to keep it not-so-outdated :-)
It's been a hard day's night
And I've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night
I should be sleeping like a log

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mac OS X

After my IBM (Lenovo) T60 died with a couple of hardware problems, I got a MacBook Pro as a replacement. When I was using Windows, I had a perception that Mac is a legend in the OS field as its stability and usability are so well received. Considering they build the OS and the machine, plus the OS is Unix based, it still makes sense to have such a reputation of performance. Honestly, I was quite happy with my Mac in the first week and with no doubt its usability is so much better than Vista, which I think unnecessarily imitated many of the Mac UIs that don't fit very well into their realm. As a user that extensively uses Linux daily, I feel more convenient using Mac with its built-in terminal, ssh, sftp, vnc, and virtual desktop (spaces). And most admirably, it comes with Java out of the box. That's everything I need. I would be really pleased if it can truly maintain its stability, at least for longer. As an IT professional, I wouldn't blame the OS because of individual program crashes. As in the past years I had never thought Windows was really that bad, considering it runs on a large variety of machines, until Vista came into play. I would say Windows 2000 is so far the best version of Windows I have ever used and Vista, in my opinion, is somewhat comparable with Windows Me, sadly. No matter what, the bottom line is that in my theory, an OS that is claimed to be good shouldn't in any case crash just because of an individual program crashed. Unfortunately, my Mac crashed twice in two weeks so far just because of individual program problems, not to mention some other minor bugs that are well discussed in the forums but are still outstanding. I originally thought it could be some sort of memory problem. However, the best memory tester for Mac, MemTest, said they are good. Although I am sure many people would have never encountered such an experience with Mac, nor they would have been aware of it, if it does happen and my Mac OS is genuine, I am a little bit reserved in its legendary stability, at least with that of Leopard.