It is indeed very hard to keep a homepage up-to-date. I couldn't count how many homepages I have created and then given up . As a result, I decided to write a blog, because it is much more easier to manage so I presume I will update it more often. But keeping a not-so-updated blog just means no one is going to read it. So I also decided to write something here that describes my daily life best, just to keep it not-so-outdated :-)
It's been a hard day's night And I've been working like a dog It's been a hard day's night I should be sleeping like a log
Yes, the most high-tech flight I have ever taken - Virgin America. Not to mention the romantic blue light of the cabin, just the touch screen of the LCD display is what I have been longing. But more surprising is the Internet service on the flight! Yes, its Internet, the one that now you are using to read this blog. Can't believe? me too. I can't even believe in the quality and the pricing. How much? its 5.95 (promotion, originally 12.95) for the long haul. Just can't beat. With such a service and convenience, it's worth every penny. What more is that the whole entertainment system is so nice. Not only you can watch movie and some TVs, but also order food and drinks electronically. And for Google fans, you definitely can't miss it because it uses Google Map for GPS, fancy enough? Richard Branson, you are really changing the world! At least the way people do business.
Written on the plane from San Francisco towards New York, while flying over Iowa.